“Unlearning Space: Diagrammatic (mis)Adventures”. Research seminar at SAR conference.
March 17, 2019

Laura will be presenting a research seminar and workshop titled “Unlearning Space: Diagrammatic (
For the 10th SAR conference on Artistic Research, the Society for Artistic Research (SAR) is back in Switzerland where the society was founded 10 years ago. Since its founding, SAR and its activities have seen encouraging developments: the Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) is published three times a year; the Research Catalogue counts more than 10,000 subscribed users (still growing).
The 10th SAR conference is organized around three topics and two types of session formats for input and discussion. This year’s conference puts the manifoldness of artistic research practices and the discussion of specific aspects in each session at the centre of the conference. The three topics are Productive Gaps, Enhanced Dissemination Formats, and Inspiring Failures.
The 10th SAR conference is organized by the Society for Artistic Research and the Zurich University of the Arts. It takes place at ZHdK in Zurich, March 21-23, 2019.
The keynotes are live and will be streamed online here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiUczki2Q49an86NFwf6s6g/live